alright . that is my mommy . i just love my mommy alot . when she get home , i will always kiss her with my smelly mouth . see , i so sweet right ? (: pawpal , will you kiss your mommy also ? hehes .

and that is me , enjoying the breeze from the window . look at how happy i'm . the wind is so cooooling in the after and evening .

since mommy had just come home , and i'm enjoying the breeze , if there is a tummy rub from my mommy , that will be best . isnt it ? hehes . do i look more like a silky terrier now ? O_O hehes . this is how i look after tummy rub .

a BIG GRIN ! (: look at my happy face ! hahas . pawpal , does you all enjoy your tummy rub like how i enjoy it too ?

mommy call me a penis licker -.- cos she say she always caught me licking my penis =X but i didnt ! i was just turing back . [MOMMY : Milky , stop lying to your pawpal . shame shame on you . ]
alright . finally blogger allow me to upload my picture . hehes . there wont be too much picture for today . but i hope all of you enjoy my picture right ? (: GRINNING . hehes . i overhear mommy saying to aunty ah wenn that they are bringing me to dog farm this sun . hehes . HAPPY HAPPY . but dono whether they mean it mahs ? ): MAMA , MILKY WANNA GO ! hmm . this few days , have been sleeping and sleeping . mama say whenever i sleep , i look cute . hehes . mama , i'm always cute ! just that you didnt notice . (: